miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Reading activity: Do you usually drink enough water?

Read the article published in 2015 about the need of drinking more water. After reading the article, work in pairs and summarize the text. Please describe the main ideas.

Listening and comprehension activity: Why don't you dance with me?

You will hear a very entertaining song. Pay attention on what she says and try to answer the following questions which are in the following worksheet.

Listening and Writing activity: What about making a pizza?? Sounds as plan!!

Now, you will hear a video showing how to make a "margarita pizza".

Make your notes and try to write the recipe of the pizza using this worksheet.

Would you like to be a participating in Master's Chef program??

Speaking and writing activity: Let's talk together and express your feelings!

We will organize the class in 7 groups. 2 students per group. In the power-point presentation, you will see different pictures. Try to write 5 different questions for each picture.

To finalize the exercise ask your questions to the other groups and share all together your opinions.

Listening and Writing activity: Let's sing a song!!

You will listen a very famous English song: "The cauliflowers fluffy and cabbages green".
You will not be able to watch the video, just hear it. 
Download the worksheet that contains the lyrics's song. Then you have to fill the gaps, some words are missing. Try to do your best! It's a lovely song. Enjoy it!

After the exercise, if you want to sing the song with all your mates, I attached here the complete song.

Writing activity: Have fun with this matching game!! Come on, it isn't difficult!!

Try to find the word which corresponds to its image in this exercise. 
Good luck!!
You will be an expert at the end of the Unit!